An integrated plan for developing Sinai was approved by the government in 2006. The goal: to promote industry and mining, to cultivate 400 feddans and to build 7 new factories with purpose of re-locating fresh graduates.
Sinai is rich in: Gypsum (whose output is estimated at 450 thousand tons/year); Glass sand; Coal & Sediment carbon; Granite & marble; and Petroleum
Numerous factories in the fields of mining, extraction, quarrying and foodstuff have therefore set shop in Sinai:
MiningSinai Gypsum factory (Wadi Grendel)Gypsum calcification factory (Ras Mil'eb)Turquoise factoryPETROGAS
Extraction industriesBalpetrolSuez oilGeneral Petroleum Company
QuarryingThere are 20 quarries in Sinai
Foodstuff22 bakeriesPoultry farms
Sinai is rich in: Gypsum (whose output is estimated at 450 thousand tons/year); Glass sand; Coal & Sediment carbon; Granite & marble; and Petroleum
Numerous factories in the fields of mining, extraction, quarrying and foodstuff have therefore set shop in Sinai:
MiningSinai Gypsum factory (Wadi Grendel)Gypsum calcification factory (Ras Mil'eb)Turquoise factoryPETROGAS
Extraction industriesBalpetrolSuez oilGeneral Petroleum Company
QuarryingThere are 20 quarries in Sinai
Foodstuff22 bakeriesPoultry farms