sinai liberation ...26year

Sinai was liberated from the Israeli occupation in 1982 and liberation was completed when President Mubarak raised high the Egyptian flag on Taba, being the last part of the Egyptian lands to be liberated in 1988. Egypt liberated its lands occupied in 1967 war by all means of struggle whether the armed one as seen in the war of attrition and the 1973 October War or the political and diplomatic action which started with the strenuous negotiations for forces' separation in 1974 and 1975 then the Camp David talks which resulted in laying down peace frame in the Middle East (Camp David Agreements in 1978) which was followed by Egyptian-Israeli Peace Treaty in the 1979.
Since Sinai liberation 26 years ago, Sinai has topped the agenda of the homeland till it becomes a symbol for peace and development. No doubt, the peninsula of Sinai enjoys a distinguished status in the heart of every Egyptian. Sinai serves as the deep-rooted history made by the Egyptians and their sacrifices to protect this land, being the eastern gate of Egypt. Given its tourist, mineral, industrial and agricultural resources, Sinai is one of the pillars of Egypt's ambitious strategy toward getting out of the narrow valley around the River Nile to a vast area which equals 25% of Egypt's area.
In addition, Sinai is part of the Suez Canal region which includes a number of the mega projects in Egypt in West of Suez Gulf, Ain Sukhna and East of Port Said.
In the next pages, we will discuss some hints of liberation, peace and development in Sinai
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